
在我们的文化中,我们把人生看成一条直线。直线越长,我们想象自己的生命越长,我们认为自己越完整,我们想象的终点就越不可怕。年轻生命的逝去被视为悲剧而动摇许多人的信念。但在美洲原住民文化中,一个人的生命并不是线性的,而是一个圆圈,大约在青春期举行成年仪式时,这个圆圈就完成了。从那时起,这个人就被视为一个完整的圆,不断向外扩展。一旦这个 “圆环” 形成,那么这个人在任何时候死亡,都是作为一个完整的个体死亡。正如美洲原住民克雷西·霍斯(Crazy Horse)所说的那样:“今天是死亡的好日子,因为我生命中的所有东西都在这里了。” 在美洲原住民的智慧中,“完整” 并不是指一个人活了多长时间,而是指一个人进入每个完整时刻的充实感。

(原文:In this culture we look at life as though it were a straight line. The longer the line the more we imagine we have lived, the wholer we suppose ourselves to be, and the less horrendous we imagine the end point. The death of the young is seen as tragic and shakes the faith of many. But in the American Indian culture one is not seen linearly but rather as a circle which becomes complete at about puberty with the rites of passage. From that time on one is seen as a wholeness that continues to expand outward. But once “the hoop” has formed, any time one dies, one dies in wholeness. As the American Indian sage Crazy Horse commented, “Today is a good day to die for all the things of my life are present.” In the American Indian wisdom wholeness is not seen as the duration one has lived but rather the fullness with which one enters each complete moment.)

向你致谢,亲爱的、素未谋面的写作者!我会记得这段话,在一呼一吸之间,提醒自己回到我的身体里来,回到当下的时刻里来,回到 “我活着” 这一转瞬即逝的事实里来。


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